The Behavioural Cognisance of Social Media

Understanding the implications of social media and how it can stray you away from reaching your maximum potential. Written by a social media expert.

Ali Galan
8 min readMar 1, 2023

Rule one of being locked in: Save your attention!

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with people from all over the world and providing a platform for sharing our thoughts and experiences. However, it’s worth taking a closer look at the impact that social media can have on our lives, both positive and negative.

In this inaugural edition of “Locked In,” we’ll be discussing social media and its implications. As someone who has reached the highest echelon of social media (marketing) (take a peek at my LinkedIn), I’ve spent the last nine years perfecting my craft and managing to stay sane in a world where information comes in abundance.

While social media can certainly have positive aspects, it can also be a source of distraction.

Which is why in 2022, I decided to be social media-free for a year to understand what it was like to be completely disconnected. During this period, I started a series of journal entries to highlight some of the behavioural changes I…



Ali Galan

Founder of Galan&Co Worked in Tech for 9+ Years (PayPal, DataCamp, Antler) Avid Reader, Film Junkie, and Wannabe Stoic Weekly Newsletter: